Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Bike Accident

I feel for these people as I know what it's like to be flying through the air with the greatest of ease, with bike flying and then the landing! Oh, the landing! What is sad is that one person died and 10 people were injured. The driver of the car was drunk and fell asleep! If only people who drink will just STAY OFF THE ROAD!
I am more sure than ever that I don't want to ever ride a bike again!
Maybe the one in our work our room is ok, at least I can't be hit by a car or have the fear that the handle bars are going to come off. I think I will stick with that.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, that is crazy! I don't blame you about the bike. I am not even allowed to ride a bike, Jacob says I can't. HAHA
