Thursday, May 22, 2008

X rated BEE sighting!

Since others have been talking about their BEE stories, I will share one. Last summer our daughter, Angela was in their back yard getting some plums out off their tree. All of a sudden she started jumping all around like a wild hog. She had a mad BEE up her pants leg and it was stinging her rear end!! She dropped her drawers right there and I was just dying laughing!!! We laughed about the show that neighbors must have gotten.
The next day, the house next door went up for sale and a few days later another went up for sale across the street. We claimed that it was all about her strip dance with the bee!!!! She will not be able to live that one down!!!!


  1. Oh my goodness!!! Your poor daughter.

  2. That is sooo FUNNY! That Angela is a character, talk about giving the girl a complex! Moving sign the next day??? Good story!

  3. Gee, I would have thought there would be people wanting to move in to the neighborhood after that one! I would "bee" laughing and rolling on the ground for that one.
