Thursday, May 29, 2008

Abusive Brother Episode

I have 4 brothers, 3 older and one younger. Our oldest brother was very mean to us. One time when I was about 7 or 8, I had to stand on a step stool to do dishes. I had a dress on and he came up behind me with a lit candle and caught my dress on fire! He just yelled at me "well, get outside and roll on the ground you stupid idiot"! NICE!! Now I have to tell you all that to this day I do not let him live this down. Just this weekend at our camp out, someone was talking to us about our growing up with 4 boys and a girl.... I just looked at him and laughed. He knew what was coming...yes... I love to tell the story any chance I get. He knows that I love him, but he knows that he will always have to make up to me over and over again!!! He also forced another brother to sit on tacks that were turned up on a chair! Chased a brother with a pitch fork into a bee's nest. I tell him that all his meanness will come back to him with his own kids. Wow, how true that became! Poor guy! Like I told Sam.... the story is a great story for ME to tell, but when I look at him, he knows that this is his payback!!!! Did I mention the fire that he set in the desert? Ah huh....the cops scared the daylight right out of him that day! He thought he was going to jail! He was only about 10!!!! LOL

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh brothers! If I told all of the mean stories about my older brother that would be several posts and tears later! Good stuff now... Boys are so mean!
