Life is so precious and after talking with a number of people with some really tough family relationships, it has really made me think a lot about how important it is to leave a good legacy to pass down to the next generation. What we say and what we do really does matter! How we treat our kids and family members young or old can effect them all their lives. It is so sad to see an adult have to go through
counseling to try to unravel a ball of tangled threads of hurts and bad experiences. Sometimes we do cause our own problems, but sometimes it's no fault of our own. Sometimes other people get in the game and make it even worse. Life is so complicated!
We each pack a suitcase in our lives..........
In this suitcase we can put all our happy memories and carry them with us. Trouble is that sometimes we pack all our hard feelings toward people in there and we carry that and weight down our suitcase
unnecessarily. I am reminded that in the Bible it tells us to get along with each other as much as possible. God understands that we may not always get it right and that sometimes we may not always get along with everyone. The thing that is most important is to be forgiving. We can't change the past, as much as we would like to, but we can choose to put things in the past and learn from them and get help from good council or friends and most importantly, talk to God about it. God is the one who untangles the messes. God will help heal wounds that have caused us pain or forgive us for things that we have brought on to others or ourselves.
It's a good thing to throw out things from that suitcase that weight us down. Get rid of the junk! It's amazing how much better things will go if we will throw out the bitter feelings, failures, and all the other stuff that we just can't do anything about. Carry a suitcase full of love and joy and you will see that it's a lot easier to get along with people and the legacy that you pass down will be remembered for the good you have brought to the people in your life.
What will they say about you when you are gone, will they say that you were the most loving person or will they say that you were a person that carried bitterness and ill towards others.
I want to be remembered for being a loving person.
"God give me that gift of love that I will be a reflection of
your love, and may I be careful of what I say and do because someone is always watching and listening. Let me remember that what seed I plant will grow more of the same, let it be good seeds that I plant." amen