Lar Bear was so proud to have a card and a little surprize all set up for me when he went to bed! He is so sweet! He got the most beautiful card for me. We are spending tomorrow night going to a play and hotel up in Issaquiah. It will be a nice time. All the kids called me today to wish me a happy V day! I miss my kids! Valentines Day was always a big deal in our house and the kids loved to make me something to make me shed a few tears!!! THAT DOESN'T TAKE MUCH when it is about love between me and my kids!
Been a fun day at work today! We've been a bit crazy! Judy got some beautiful roses from Ed Beam!!!! Woah......
Well, it's a 4 day weekend, Yahooooooooo......
Squirrels and Nuts Quilt...
5 years ago