Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Beginnings

I am so thankful for new beginnings. Everyday is a new day to start again. The Bible says that His mercy is new every morning. What a cool thing to think about. If we mess up and do stupid things, God makes it possible to begin again. I love that. No one is perfect and we really do make bad choices on a pretty regular basis. We get lured into things because of our emotions and because we just don't think. Been there way too many times. I have learned that sometimes God allows this to teach us how to depend on Him and and how to not be led away by everything that comes along. I think back on so many times in my life that I could have made better choices and most of the time I can see that I was not walking close to God at the time. It does make a difference and if we are not listening to God's voice then we are very quick to listen to other voices that draw us away. Some of those detours are pretty hard lessons. We learn and grow from them. I have also learned not to judge others that make bad choices as quickly. We are ALL just a breath away from making the same mistakes. Jesus shows this lesson so clearly with the woman caught in the act of adultry. Everyone was saying that she should be stoned. Jesus just sat on the ground and simply said "Let those of you who have not sinned throw the first stone" One by one they left. then Jesus asked the woman, "Where are your accusers" "They have all left" she replied. "Neither do I accuse you, go and sin no more" was Jesus reply.
How amazing is that. What a lesson for us when we see others caught in these type of situations. Wow, we think we are above that? Hmmmm I think not. Be careful how you judge others. Our own actions may not be much different.
I just was thinking about this today and thought I should share it.
I am so thankful for God's amazing grace.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Thankful for God's Healing Power for Nicole

So thankful for God's amazing touch on my friend Nicole Godsey. To see her laying there with the ventilator and so week was really heart breaking. I know that I was directed my God to go that day and pray for her. Not that I am anything special, but I believe in the power of laying hands on people and praying for God's healing. I am so thankful to see her improving. God is so good!! You really see who is your friends when you are down and out. People are there for you! Nicole, we are praying for a complete recovery.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy 2010

Wow, that is so weird to say! I remember when it was 1999 and it was hard to get used to saying 2000, here we are 10 years later and now it's weird to say 2010! Crazy!

I am really looking forward to a better year this year. Been through a lot of things the past 6 or so years and I am ready for a great year.

My newest grandson was born September 10th. Spent 2 1/2 weeks in Florida with Jason and family and then a almost a week in Illinois with Jeremy. Was a great time with kids and grandkids! I miss them so much. Wish they lived closer.